Sadly, the end of summer is fast approaching. Regardless of whether or not you have (with the help of your GYMGUYZ Coach, of course!) achieved each of your Summer Fitness Goals, it’s time to think about the next phase. Are you still striving to improve your overall condition? Have you already ‘peaked’ and simply want to maintain? Or are you somewhat burned out and need a few weeks where you take your foot off of the accelerator?
In the next several columns, we’ll explore each of these States of Mind in turn, so that you can easily figure out where you are… and where you’d like to go. Let’s face it; some things in life are certainties… GYMGUYZ’ recent expansion into (literally and figuratively) new territory is one of ‘em! Wherever you decide to go on your fitness journey, GYMGUYZ is poised to be with you every step of the way…