Summer’s finally here! For some of you, achieving your best-ever condition — with the assistance of your GYMGUYZ coach, of course– has become a reality. If you haven’t quite gotten there (or even if you’re still far off), don’t despair or be overly hard on yourself. Goal-setting is essential, sure, but it’s also wise to be mindful of a great old saying — that life is about the journey, not the destination. Or to paraphrase the late great film critic Roger Ebert: “It’s not so much what the movie’s about, but HOW it goes about it.”
To be clear, this isn’t a matter of “giving up” if you aren’t exactly where you want to be. What we’re suggesting is that it’s critical to be and stay positive. Think of the terrific workouts your GYMGUYZ coach has put you through, the pride you take in monitoring your diet… even the way you live your life day in and day out, always with an eye towards fitness. Go ahead and smile on that. You’ve made incredible strides since the beginning of your journey with GYMGUYZ. That’s what’s most important!