Look around your town. Unless you live in the middle of nowhere, the odds are very high that you won’t have to look very far to find a local franchise, whether food or general service-based. Perhaps there’s a McDonald’s near the strip mall ½ mile from home. Maybe there’s a Marshall’s in the Home Depot shopping center. The specifics aren’t what are important. What IS important is that each and every successful franchise has a niche. Marshall’s, for example, is noted for offering high-end, brand-name merchandise at deep discounts.
At GYMGUYZ, of course, we have our own niche – we’re the unquestioned leaders in the new and exciting field of In-Home Personal Training. You’ll never see one of our terrific coaches putting a client through his or her paces at the local gym. There’s no need, because with GYMGUYZ, we bring the gym right to your doorstep!