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As Q4 is rapidly coming to a close, it’s time to take an analytical look at your current digital strategy and see what your results are and where you can improve. When it comes to digital advertising, there are still a lot of small business owners that are apprehensive about investing in it. But this is why you should.

From a recent study conducted by Moz and Florida-based content marketing agency, FRACTL, it was found that a majority of digital ads that are currently being served up have no impact on its intended demographic. In fact, 60% of people who were surveyed for this study said that they actively use ad blockers, and nearly 54% of respondents said that although they saw ads, they did not click on them. Which leads us to one conclusion, you must up your game in order to get people to respond to your digital ads.

So, what’s different about today’s consumers and how are they finding out information about brands or products if they aren’t clicking the bait?
Today’s consumers are smarter and they actively seek out information versus being told to. When asked how they learn more about a company or a product, the respondents said this:
90% said that they searched online to find out more information about a company
80% said they went directly to the company’s website
77% said they would be more likely to purchase a product or service after learning more about it through an online search

What does this mean for your brand and content?
It means that you have to create more engaging and valuable content on both your social media platforms and website. How do you do that? You need to hire or become great storytellers in order to effectively tell your brand’s story. Another tip is to resonate with your demographic on emotional basis. In fact, interacting on a more human level actually propels a larger conversation that creates more engagement for your brand.

Lastly, be mindful of what your competitors are doing across the board. Don’t just look at competitors who are in a close proximity to you, look at ones on a national basis. See what’s working and what isn’t and adjust your strategy for Q1. As much as we’d like to think there is a set science behind all of this, sometimes it comes down to trends and trail and error. Learn from your social posts and improve where needed. But most of all stay social and invest in getting your company’s message out there!