To paraphrase an old cliché in the form of a question: “Why’s that one bedroom apartment on East 80th Street so expensive?” – “Location, location, location!” From the GYMGUYZ standpoint, you can rest assured that potential new franchisees will be able to work effectively – i.e. take care of important day-to-day matters – in different locations, as opposed to one set spot where their entire business lives revolve.
It’s an unfortunate reality of the professional world that for many of us, the typical workday has us laboring at dull desk jobs, squashed in uncomfortable cubicles, taking orders from someone we don’t particularly care for. As a GYMGUYZ franchise owner, not only will you be your own Boss, but YOU get to set the pace and decide where you want to get things done. Is it just me, or is this notion of “not being stuck in an office all day” an appealing one? Of course it is! You know full well that GYMGUYZ is a fast-growing, rapidly expanding company. If you cast your proverbial lot with us, your hard work will be handsomely rewarded!